My Chi My Future Youth Program
Managed by Department of Family & Support Services
Data last updated on Aug 23, 2023My CHI. My Future. is an initiative aiming to connect every young person in Chicago with meaningful, safe, and engaging out-of-school time programs.
My CHI. My Future. has launched several city-wide and community-based strategies. The Safe Spaces for Youth, Community Anchor Organizations and Microgrant programs represent an expansion of the MCMF community-based strategy to target 15 Community Strategy Regions across the south and west sides. These programs address the COVID-19 pandemic-related effects on young people and communities across the City’s most impacted regions.
The Safe Spaces for Youth program includes both year-round community events—called “Kickbacks”—and year-round youth employment.
The Community Anchor Organization program involves selecting a lead delegate agency to convene other youth-serving organizations and those with a stake in young people across the community to discuss and implement strategies to connect young people to programming. The delegate agency will also be responsible for creating a community plan, hosting community events responding to the needs and interest of the region and promoting the My CHI. My Future. website and app.
The Microgrant program will distribute funding to expand current or create new youth programing opportunities.
Reporting Period by Dataset
My Chi. My Future. Safe Spaces for Youth | youth employees by ward | March 1, 2023 through June 30, 2023 |
My Chi. My Future. Safe Spaces for Youth | youth employees by community area | July 8, 2022 through June 30, 2023 |