Youth Opportunities
Create opportunities for Chicago’s youth to access employment and out-of-school programming, with an emphasis on workforce development in early-stage careers and other educational opportunities.

Recent Updates
Hosted 120 “Kickback Series” events that activated safe spaces for youth and employed 206 youth at events across Chicago neighborhoods in 2022.
Employed 1,703 youth, ages 16-24, through the Summer Youth Employment Program in 2022 to provide workforce development training and career enrichment opportunities.
725 youth, ages 14-15, participated in Chicagobility in 2022, a six-week program that uses project-based learning to support career, skill development, and financial literacy, all while earning a weekly stipend of $75.
Engaged 742 Chicago Youth Service Corps members, ages 16-24, in service-learning and civic engagement activities across Chicago in 2022.
Up Next
Expand the "Kickback Series" program to a year-round model in Spring 2023; Host an additional 155 "Kickback Series" events employing 225 youth in 2023.
Launch the My CHI. My Future. Micro-Grants program to provide funds to community-based organizations to connect youth to engaging and meaningful out-of-school time opportunities for youth.
The Summer Youth Employment Program has expanded to provide 600 youth with year-round job training, access to paid work-based learning opportunities, and skills attainment programs.
Expand the My CHI. My Future. Anchor Organization initiative to 15 regions in 19 Community Areas, deepening connections with local youth providers, and partnering with organizations to connect more youth to opportunities throughout the year.

Throughout this summer, the program helped me to become a more caring person. By helping out with multiple events, I was able to help many families and bring joy to the community through soccer and other activities.
Kickback youth participant
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