Chicago Recovery Plan Home

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The Chicago Recovery Plan (CRP) leverages federal funding from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) alongside City-issued bond funds to create an equity-based investment strategy aiming to catalyze a sustainable economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Program Sites Created77
Community Areas Impacted155,000+
Residents ServedExplore the impact across Chicago communities
Hover over or tap a community area to learn how many programs are active there. Double-click or double-tap a community area to learn details about the programs that are there, plus measures of the local impact of COVID-19 vulnerability & economic hardship, and demographic profiles.
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Source: Chicago Department of Public Health COVID-19 Community Vulnerability Index and UIC Economic Hardship Index. For more information, see the Methodology page.
Learn more about Priority Areas
The Chicago Recovery Plan is focused on two goals: "Thriving & Safe Communities" and "Equitable Economic Recovery."
"Thriving & Safe Communities" represents the City's commitment to addressing the root causes of violence by investing in the core social and community supports needed for all Chicagoans to thrive. "Equitable Economic Recovery" provides targeted economic relief and neighborhood development support to businesses and communities hardest hit by the pandemic and invests in Chicago's businesses and commercial communities to drive economic recovery. To meet these goals, the Chicago Recovery Plan is investing in the 13 priority areas shown below.
Click or tap a priority area to learn about its programs and get more information on recent activity and upcoming projects.
Invest in new housing units and existing homes to provide affordable housing opportunities, including investments in mixed-use development, supporting families that seek to remain in their home, helping residents become homeowners, lead paint abatement and other owner-occupied repairs.
Investment in arts-based organizations and artists in Chicago that drive cultural opportunities, neighborhood beautification initiatives and opportunities to elevate diverse voices and experiences.
Understand families’ needs and connect them with critical resources to improve health outcomes and increase opportunities, including case grants, legal assistance, broadband and water accessibility, workforce development, and navigation services for families, students, and underserved populations.
City infrastructure spans both the digital and physical space and requires key upgrades to meet residents’ needs in the 21st century. The City plans to make investments in services that residents need and invest in spaces such as parks for them to enjoy and work in.
City Priorities for Health & Wellness
Address root causes of health issues through extensive public health investments, including investments in family, maternal, and mental health, as well as holistic health priorities like environmental justice and food equity.
Make historic new investments in climate resilience infrastructure, including decarbonization of city buildings and vehicle fleets, as well as installation of solar projects and other community-based renewable energy sources.
Spur community-led development in disinvested neighborhoods and create community wealth by creating and expanding business and housing opportunities, including revitalizing vacant land, renovating vacant buildings, ETOD investments and other community wealth building strategies.
Environmental Justice Initiatives
Make historic new investments in environmental justice, including flood mitigation and green alleys in low- income neighborhoods, ‘tree equity’ to improve canopy coverage and foliage, and expand opportunities for environmental education and assessment within communities.
Offer essential housing services for people experiencing homelessness to create stability with the goal of ending chronic homelessness in Chicago, including increasing permanent supportive housing units and establishing a stabilization housing program.
Small Business & Workforce Support
Expand economic opportunity and catalyze growth in the hardest-hit neighborhoods and industries, by supporting small businesses and entrepreneurs, connecting residents with jobs, and increasing the vibrancy of commercial corridors.
Support for Chicago’s ‘back to business’ campaign, tourism/travel industry and promotion of new Chicago recreational and commercial opportunities.
Investments to reduce violence through outreach, diversion, victim support, and intervention services as well as support for victims of gender-based violence and initiatives to improve City coordination strategies and response methods which address root causes such as mental health or lack of employment opportunities.
Create opportunities for Chicago’s youth to access employment and out-of-school programming, with an emphasis on workforce development in early-stage careers and other educational opportunities.