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911 Alternative Response Program (CARE)

Managed by Department of Public Health

Data last updated on Aug 23, 2023

The 911 Alternative Response (CARE) initiative will improve the city’s response to 911 calls with a behavioral health component by piloting new approaches to 911 call diversion, alternate responses, and establishing alternate destinations for patient transport.

The Chicago Recovery Plan is enabling an expansion of the CARE initiative into additional communities in 2023. Funding will allow for creation of new teams that will serve community areas prioritized based on the volume of 911 calls with a behavioral health component.

Through July 23, 2023, the CARE initiative conducted 1,037 emergency responses and 753 follow-up attempts with non-CRP funded response teams in the police districts shown below. More information about the CARE program and updated data can be found on the CARE data dashboard located at

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Reporting Period by Dataset

CARE Program Non-CRP funded CARE response team by police district Sept. 1, 2021 through June 30, 2023