Small Business & Workforce Support
Expand economic opportunity and catalyze growth in the hardest-hit neighborhoods and industries, by supporting small businesses and entrepreneurs, connecting residents with jobs, and increasing the vibrancy of commercial corridors.

Recent Updates
Seven Public Outdoor Plaza (POP!) sites have completed construction.
Over 100 Street Ambassadors hired to create a visible, welcoming presence on commercial corridors encouraging residents and visitors to visit the local businesses and amenities.
81% of respondents to the Corridor Ambassador program's 2023 small business survey agreed that the program has a positive impact on their neighborhood.
17 community organizations selected by the department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection (BACP) to activate vacant storefronts through pop-up retail and art for the 2022 holiday season.
Up Next
Open an additional five POP! sites in 2023.
Connect 400 returning residents to work-based learning training programs and employment opportunities and 200 to housing in 2023.
Launch an extended storefront activation program, aimed at reducing commercial corridor vacancies and boosting vibrancy and foot-traffic, in 2023.

Mahalia Jackson Court Ribbon Cutting Celebration
[Mahalia Jackson Court is] a beautiful thing. It feels great to be able to cross the street and have this area here. I think a space like this is helpful for seniors. People can get used to seeing these paintings and everything. It’s encouraging.
Sandra Williams | Longtime resident and Carter Temple CME Church member
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