Homelessness Support Services
Offer essential housing services for people experiencing homelessness to create stability with the goal of ending chronic homelessness in Chicago, including increasing permanent supportive housing units and establishing a stabilization housing program.

Recent Updates
Selected Sarah’s on Lakeside as new location to provide permanent supportive housing units to single women in Chicago.
Over 900 households continue to receive rapid rehousing services that were initially funded by the CARES Act and are now CRP-funded.
Selected grantee finalists for the Non-Congregate Shelter Acquisition Program.
Up Next
Begin construction on 8 multifamily developments in 2023 that are either 100% permanent supportive housing or include permanent supportive housing unit set-asides.
Support Non-Congregate Shelter Acquisition Program shelter operator grantee finalists to acquire buildings in 2023 with the goal to transition 200-300 congregate shelter beds into non-congregate settings.
Begin extensive, citywide shelter renovations in 2023.
900+ additional households experiencing homelessness will be housed under expanded rapid rehousing program in 2023.
Acquire a building for the Stabilization Housing Pilot Program to run and provide wrap-around health services for highly vulnerable populations experiencing homelessness.
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